2019 SITFE Graduation Function

2019 SITFE Graduation Function

In 2019, the function was held on the 02 July 2019. A total of 47 students (18 graduates and 29 new SITFE bursary recipients) attended the Graduation Function. All graduates were issued with certificates of achievements for completing their degrees and diplomas and 8...
2018 SITFE Graduation Function

2018 SITFE Graduation Function

In 2018, the function was held on the 11 July 2018. A total of 53 students (19 graduates and 34 new SITFE bursary recipients) attended the Graduation Function. All graduates were issued with certificates of achievements for completing their degrees and diplomas and 6...
SITFE Graduation

SITFE Graduation

Sugar Industry honoured top graduates Author: NOMPUMELELO MBANJWA The Sugar Industry Trust Fund for Education (SIFTE) administered by the South African Sugar Association held a ceremony on 11 July 2017 in Mount Edgecombe KwaZulu-Natal to honour their 25 bursary...
2017 SITFE Graduation Function

2017 SITFE Graduation Function

In 2017, the function was held on the 03 July 2017. The keynote address was delivered by Dr Ngogi Mahaye (Head of Provincial Academic Interventions and Innovations in the Office of the MEC). He encouragred students to keep working hard in their career. He said...