SITFE Projects


SITFE supports a wide range of programmes ranging from the school support; study assistance; in-whole school support; early childhood development; and education centre development programmes. These programmes are implemented in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning, educators and communities within the sugarcane growing communities.



Do More Foundation

This partnership enables DO MORE FOUNDATION to continue its ECD work in the poor communities of Nkomazi (Mpumalanga) and uPhongolo (Kwa-Zulu Natal). These two areas are Sugar production strong-holds that host existing projects that the DO MORE FOUNDATION currently run – collaborating with established and committed Partners.


10 ECD centres have been enriched with infrastructure upgrades in the form of 5250lt JoJo tanks that have been donated. Funding has been used towards installation of the tanks at the 10 centres. This allows for access to drinkable water that the children can use while at school. Wooden Toys were also distributed to 35 ECD Centres


NQF Level 4 Training for 12 practitioners for an 18-month duration as well as Skills training for 30 practitioners – duration of 12 months. Both trainings are SETA accredited. The training has/will be focused on ECD programs in the LNYCB expansion areas covering 8 wards. Ntataise Lowveld is the Early Learning partner based in Nkomazi.

Focus on iThemba

The SITFE collaboration with Focus on iThemba supports the NQF Level 4 ECD Courses, Skills Development training for principal and teachers and Infrastructure reform. The courses are a great opportunity for ECD teachers to attend, as the Department of Basic Education is putting more pressure on ECD Centres to have teachers with a NQF Level 4 and NQF Level 5 ECD qualification.

Various other courses including Business Management, first aid, Fire Fighting and parent workshops are conducted for the development of principals and teachers.

Focus on iThemba is successfully building transformation projects , and to date has facilitated four projects, three of which used recycled shipping containers which have been converted into classrooms, office, toilet, kitchen and storage.


To view the various programmes please click on the tabs on the left.


The Unlimited Child Project

TREE Project

Early Childhood Development

During 2017-2020, SITFE partnered with the Unlimited Child Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme to support 96 ECD’s Centres – 32 per annum through Capacity Building of 192 Practitioners (64 per annum), foundational knowledge of early childhood education and solid understanding on practical implementation of the learning programme including manuals providing structured curricular to be implemented over school calendar year. Each of 96 ECD centres received a comprehensive educational resource kit linked to lessons and activities within curriculum.

Playgroup programme

During 2010 -2015, SITFE partnered with an integrated ECD programme in Pongola rural areas. This programme comprised of three sub-programmes – the Playgroup programme which reached children that were not able to access an ECD site, the ECD Site Management programme which focused on developing the skills of rural ECD site managers who were mostly elderly women, and the Advocacy programme which supported interactions among ECD stakeholders, including civil society, government and business, to address bottlenecks in delivering quality ECD to all children.


PROTEC Project

KZN Science Centre Project

Engineering Stepping Initiative (ESI)

The Midlands Community College (MST Recovery) Project

Educational Support

During 2012-2020, SITFE worked with PROTEC Tongaat, a non-profit organisation that specialises in maths, science and technology education for grade 10 to grade 12 learners. PROTEC provides educational support to learners from socially and academically disadvantaged backgrounds in the form of maths and science lessons, career days, technology and International Computer Driving Learners licence (ICDL) computer workshops. The project implemented a learner excellence programme to 24 learners which involves, Saturday school classes (tuition in math, physics, English and world of work), Vacation School workshops, Technical Workshops which involve the practical application of math and science, Participation in school projects such as Math Olympiad, SAICE bridge building and Work Exposure Initiatives such as site visits, career days, job shadowing. PROTEC also implemented a Grade 9 Intervention Programme to 40 learners through Saturday School classes (tuition in English and math). Further facilitated 30 learners to obtain an internationally recognised computing certificate each (ICDL).

Keeping Girls in School

During 2017-2020, KZN Science centre: Keeping Girls in School project, provided career engagement and learning to 3000 female learners per year, over three years, in the sugar cane produced districts; Ugu, Harry Gwala, and UMkhanyakude on career subject choices and awareness. The project provided Grade 9 female learners to make sound choices regarding their careers, by encouraging female learners to choose careers in fields that were once dubbed male-only careers

Exam preparation project

During 2012-2015, SITFE partnered with the Engineering Stepping Initiative (ESI) programme implemented by Tshwane University of Technology, in the Mpumalanga province. The ESI is Tshwane University of Technology’s key programme, which stems from a need identified by the institution to improve the poor pass rate of Grade 12 learners, particularly in Mathematics and Physical Sciences. The intense 9 month programme aimed to prepare the learners to re-write the Department of Education’s exams to enable these learners to realise their potential to enter higher education.

During 2021-2015, SITFE collaborated with Midlands Community College towards a post-matric programme in KwaZulu-Natal. The Midlands Community College has been implementing the Maths, Science, and Technology Recovery (MST Recovery) project since 1999 to assist learners from disadvantaged schools to improve their results and to assist these learners to re-write the Department of Education’s exam to gain entry to tertiary education. This residential programme accommodated 60 learners annually and is based in the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal.


Centre for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Education

(CASME) Project

The Midlands Community College

(MST Recovery) Project

During 2012-2015, The SITFE Strategic Plan was to prioritize the improvement of teacher capacity and practice and increase access to high-quality learning materials. SITFE committed resources to projects that provided teacher and learner support to improve content knowledge and pedagogy. SITFE supported the centre to implement a range of interventions to build the capacity of educators. The programmes targeted teachers from ten rural schools within the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of this programme was to improve both subject content knowledge and teaching methods of teachers in maths and science.

During 2012-2015, SITFE supported the Midlands Community College to implement the Maths, Science and English Integrated intervention programme. The programme targeted grade 11 and grade 12 learners from ten rural schools and aimed to provide additional educational support to the disadvantaged learners. The learner support programme compliments the CASME teacher development programme, and this two way intervention intends to maximise the impact on the learners in the Midlands area.


Izingolweni Education Centre Project

Pongola Education Centre Project

During, 2017-2019, SITFE partnered with Illovo Sugar and the Department of Education to implement the Izingolweni Education Centre Science Laboratory. The partnership was initiated to support the acquisition of science laboratory equipment based on needs. The collaboration enabled the laboratory to be developed into a fully-fledged science and maths support centre for all the local schools in the area.

During 2012 -2015, SITFE, the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education and MIET Africa collaborated on a programme to establish an education centre in the Pongola area. The SITFE partnership assisted the education centre through:

  • Providing opportunities to learners taking science in the FET phase to gain experience in the practical components of the science curriculum
  • Contributing to the enhancement of science and maths content knowledge and teaching skills of teachers teaching science and maths in secondary schools
  • Improving access to science resources for teachers and learners by equipping the science laboratory at the education centres
  • Equipping the science laboratory